Date of last update: March 07, 2025

Updated regularly according
to the schedule indicated in the
Advance Release Calendar

Republic of Moldova Economic and Financial Data for the Republic of Moldova
The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which the Republic of Moldova has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.
Unless otherwise indicated, data are not seasonally adjusted.
Point (.) represents decimal point delimiter.


SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
National Accounts National Accounts Metadata on DSBB IMF
GDP at current prices, by production approach MDL million Q3/24 90891.2 74822.3
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing (A) MDL million Q3/24 13113.2 3275.9
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B+C) MDL million Q3/24 6389.3 5915.6
Construction (F) MDL million Q3/24 6481.4 3931.8
Other activities (D+E+G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T) MDL million Q3/24 53407.3 50639.2
FISIM MDL million Q3/24 0.0 0.0
Taxes on products less subsidies on products MDL million Q3/24 11500.0 11059.8
GDP at constant prices (average prices of the previous year), by production approach MDL million Q3/24 83560.8 71119.7
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing (A) MDL million Q3/24 9591.4 3784.7
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B+C) MDL million Q3/24 6593.7 6162.9
Construction (F) MDL million Q3/24 6514.3 4070.9
Other activities (D+E+G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T) MDL million Q3/24 50093.8 47568.6
FISIM MDL million Q3/24 0.0 0.0
Taxes on products less subsidies on products MDL million Q3/24 10767.6 9532.6
GDP at current prices, by expenditure approach MDL million Q3/24 90891.2 74822.3
Final consumption MDL million Q3/24 92566.2 76611.6
Household consumption expenditure MDL million Q3/24 78643.7 60910.3
Government consumption expenditure MDL million Q3/24 12665.7 14801.8
Non-profit institutions serving household MDL million Q3/24 1256.8 899.5
Gross accumulation MDL million Q3/24 22369.5 18023.5
Gross fixed capital formation MDL million Q3/24 18535.4 15264.3
Changes in inventories MDL million Q3/24 3834.1 2759.1
Exports of goods and services MDL million Q3/24 25447.5 24914.8
Imports of goods and services MDL million Q3/24 49492.1 44727.6
GDP at constant prices (average prices of the previous year), by expenditure approach MDL million Q3/24 83560.8 71119.7
Final consumption MDL million Q3/24 88181.9 71250.5
Household consumption expenditure MDL million Q3/24 73974.0 58046.1
Government consumption expenditure MDL million Q3/24 13021.1 12349.1
Non-profit institutions serving household MDL million Q3/24 1186.7 855.3
Gross accumulation MDL million Q3/24 21627.1 19088.9
Gross fixed capital formation MDL million Q3/24 18326.9 15075.1
Changes in inventories MDL million Q3/24 3300.2 4013.9
Exports of goods and services MDL million Q3/24 24763.5 24748.3
Imports of goods and services MDL million Q3/24 51011.7 43968.1
Production Index Corespondent period of previous year =100 Dec/24 96.6** 96.0 Production Index Metadata on DSBB IMF
Employment Persons, thousand Q4/24 816.7 877.0 Employment Metadata on DSBB IMF
Employment rate %, Ratio between employment to the total population aged 15 years and over Q4/24 40.8 43.9
Informal employment % of employment population Q4/24 17.8 21.8
Gender Labor force participation rate
Labor force participation rate, male %, Ratio between labor force to the total population aged 15 years and over Q4/24 44.9 49.6
Labor force participation rate, female %, Ratio between labor force to the total population aged 15 years and over Q4/24 40.4 42.2
Unemployment Persons, thousand Q4/24 32.8 33.2 Unemployment Metadata on DSBB IMF
Unemployment rate % of labour force Q4/24 3.9 3.6
Wages/Earnings MDL, average monthly gross earnings Q4/24 15024.5 14116.8 Wages / Earnings Metadata on DSBB IMF
Consumer prices index %, December of previous year=100 Jan/25 102.82 106.97 Consumer Prices Index Metadata on DSBB IMF
Producer prices index Corespondent period of previous year =100 Jan/25 101.6 98.7 Producer Prices Index Metadata on DSBB IMF



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
General Government Operations Metadata on DSBB IMF
Revenue MDL million 2023 102299.2 91505.4
Expenditure MDL million 2023 117871.1 100374.2
Balance, Deficit/Surplus MDL million 2023 -15571.9 -8868.8
Financing MDL million 2023 15571.9 8868.8
Domestic MDL million 2023 7016.1 -4290.8
Bank MDL million 2023 7654.1 -7696.6
Non-bank MDL million 2023 -638.0 3405.8
Foreign MDL million 2023 8555.8 13159.6
General Government Gross Debt Metadata on DSBB IMF
Total gross outstanding debt MDL million Q3/24 111661.5 108807.8
By type of instrument:
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) MDL million Q3/24 6682.9 6673.2
Currency and deposits MDL million Q3/24 0.0 0.0
Debt securities MDL million Q3/24 42438.5 43882.9
Loans MDL million Q3/24 62540.1 58251.1
Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes MDL million Q3/24 0.0 0.6
Other accounts payable MDL million Q3/24 N/A*** N/A***
Total MDL million Q3/24 111661.5 108807.8
By currency of denomination:
Domestic currency MDL million Q3/24 43245.9 44721.0
Foreign currency MDL million Q3/24 68415.6 64086.8
Total MDL million Q3/24 111661.5 108807.8
By residence of the creditor:
Domestic creditors MDL million Q3/24 43245.2 44719.4
External creditors MDL million Q3/24 68416.3 64088.4
Total MDL million Q3/24 111661.5 108807.8
Memorandum items:
Debt securities at market value MDL million
Payable within one year or less MDL million Q3/24 33878.1 36305.2
Debt securities MDL million Q3/24 29183.7 30536.6
Loans MDL million Q3/24 4694.4 5768.0
Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes MDL million Q3/24 0.0 0.6
Payable in more than one year MDL million Q3/24 71100.5 65829.4
Debt securities MDL million Q3/24 13254.8 13346.3
Loans MDL million Q3/24 57845.7 52483.1
General Government Gross External Debt
Total gross outstanding external debt MDL million Q3/24 68416.3 64088.4
Official bilateral creditors MDL million Q3/24 6362.3 5758.6
Official bilateral creditors % Q3/24 9.3 9.0
By country, owed to the five largest official creditors
Largest official bilateral creditor
France MDL million Q3/24 2625.8
France % Q3/24 41.3
Second largest official bilateral creditor
Japan MDL million Q3/24 2515.9
Japan % Q3/24 39.5
Third largest official bilateral creditor
Poland MDL million Q3/24 396.7
Poland % Q3/24 6.2
Fourth largest official bilateral creditor
Russia MDL million Q3/24 280.6
Russia % Q3/24 4.4
Fifth largest official bilateral creditor
Austria MDL million Q3/24 233.4
Austria % Q3/24 3.7
Multilateral creditors MDL million Q3/24 62054.1 58329.9
Multilateral creditors % Q3/24 90.7 91.0
By institution, owed to the five largest multilateral creditors
Largest multilateral creditor
IMF MDL million Q3/24 21673.3
IMF % Q3/24 34.9
Second largest multilateral creditor
IDA MDL million Q3/24 14475.2
IDA % Q3/24 23.3
Third largest multilateral creditor
EIB MDL million Q3/24 8438.8
EIB % Q3/24 13.6
Fourth largest multilateral creditor
EU MDL million Q3/24 6126.9
EU % Q3/24 9.9
Fifth largest multilateral creditor
IBRD MDL million Q3/24 4644.0
IBRD % Q3/24 7.5
Climate change indicators
Taxes on fossil fuels in US dollars USD million Q3/24 67.22 56.98
Taxes on fossil fuels in percent of GDP % Q3/24 1.30 1.35
Central Government Operations Central Government Operations Metadata on DSBB IMF
Revenue MDL million Jan/25 8213.7 10288.9
Expenditure MDL million Jan/25 8944.2 13188.4
Balance, Deficit/Surplus MDL million Jan/25 -730.5 -2899.5
Financing MDL million Jan/25 730.5 2899.5
Domestic MDL million Jan/25 982.8 -5680.7
Bank MDL million Jan/25 917.2 -6042.0
Non-bank MDL million Jan/25 65.6 361.3
Foreign MDL million Jan/25 -252.3 8580.2
Central Government Debt Central Government Debt Metadata on DSBB IMF
Total gross outstanding debt MDL million Jan/25 122195.80 121395.58 Monthly Bulletin on Central Government Debt
Domestic debt by maturity MDL million Jan/25 44328.30 43961.18
Long-term MDL million Jan/25 12577.41 12798.64
Short-term MDL million Jan/25 31750.90 31162.54
External debt by maturity MDL million Jan/25 77867.50 77434.40
Long-term MDL million Jan/25 70100.37 69353.32
Short-term MDL million Jan/25 7767.13 8081.08
Debt guaranteed by the central government MDL million Jan/25 2672.40 2462.60
Domestic MDL million Jan/25 2672.40 2462.60
Foreign MDL million Jan/25 0.00 0.00



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
Depository corporations survey Banking System Survey Metadata on DSBB IMF
Net foreign assets MDL million Jan/25 130662.35 130832.30
Domestic Credit (net) MDL million Jan/25 100778.95 99293.84
Claims on general government (net) MDL million Jan/25 16654.55 16622.88
Claims on Public non-financial corporations MDL million Jan/25 609.83 622.73
Claims on Other non-financial corporations MDL million Jan/25 42774.51 42116.76
Claims on Other financial corporations MDL million Jan/25 3468.68 3493.29
Claims on Other resident sectors MDL million Jan/25 37271.37 36438.18
Broad Money M3 MDL million Jan/25 169332.59 169668.93
Broad Money M2 (in MDL) MDL million Jan/25 126235.80 126183.19
including:Currency outside banks MDL million Jan/25 43546.50 44175.12
Central bank survey Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank Metadata on DSBB IMF
Net foreign assets MDL million Jan/25 99391.25 102511.44
Claims on general government (net) MDL million Jan/25 -720.33 -480.19
Claims on banks MDL million Jan/25 0.00 0.00
Claims on private sector MDL million Jan/25 39.90 37.99
Monetary Base MDL million Jan/25 64050.18 65838.78
Broad Monetary Base MDL million Jan/25 77479.36 82623.75
Interest Rates Interest Rates Metadata on DSBB IMF
Interest rates applied by NBM (end of period)
NBMs policy rate % per annum Jan/25 5.60 3.60
Lending facility (overnight) % per annum Jan/25 7.60 5.60
Deposit facility (overnight) % per annum Jan/25 3.60 1.60
Average weighted yields on government securities (91 days) % per annum Jan/25 2.99 2.50 Average weighted yields on government securities
Reference interbank market interest rates (end of period) Daily series
CHIBID 1W % per annum Jan/25 3.13 2.04
CHIBOR 1W % per annum Jan/25 8.80 7.17
Interest rate on interbank loans (in MDL) % per annum Jan/25 - -
Interest rates (average) applied by credit institution, to non-bank non-government sector (for credits and deposits in MDL)
Legal entities
Lending rate % per annum Jan/25 7.84 7.83 Lending rate
Time deposit rate % per annum Jan/25 3.32 2.83 Time deposit rate
Lending rate % per annum Jan/25 8.99 8.92
Time deposit rate % per annum Jan/25 3.73 3.56
Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI)
Residential real estate prices % of the base period (avg. 2019) Q3/24 166.6 166.0 Residential property price index Metadata
Stock market: Share price index Share Price Index Metadata on DSBB IMF



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
Balance of Payments Balance of Payments Metadata on DSBB IMF
Current account USD million Q3/24 -886.91 -706.80
Exports of goods and services USD million Q3/24 1435.26 1392.02
Imports of goods and services USD million Q3/24 2800.86 2522.82
Primary income, net USD million Q3/24 -10.73 49.22
Secondary income, net USD million Q3/24 489.42 374.78
Capital account USD million Q3/24 18.76 15.98
Financial account USD million Q3/24 -810.43 -519.30
Direct investment, net USD million Q3/24 -137.48 -43.04
Portfolio investment, net USD million Q3/24 1.68 -0.17
Financial derivatives, net USD million Q3/24 0.00 0.00
Other investment, net USD million Q3/24 -933.33 -386.07
Reserve assets change USD million Q3/24 258.70 -90.02
International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity USD million Jan/25 5367.57 5483.57 International Reserves and Foreign Currrency Liquidity Metadata on DSBB IMF
Official reserve assets USD million Feb/28/25 5379.58 5357.45 Official Reserves Assets
Foreign currency reserves USD million Feb/28/25 5370.88 5348.67
IMF reserve position USD million Feb/28/25 0.01 0.01
SDRs USD million Feb/28/25 1.76 1.75
Gold holdings USD million Feb/28/25 6.93 7.02
Other reserve assets USD million Feb/28/25 0.00 0.00
Merchandise Trade (External Trade) External Trade Metadata on DSBB IMF
Total exports (f.o.b.) USD million Dec/24 269.8 335.5
Total imports (c.i.f.) USD million Dec/24 845.3 813.9
Trade balance (f.o.b./c.i.f.) USD million Dec/24 -575.5 -478.4
International Investment Position USD million Q3/24 -5785.97 -5630.13 International Investment Position Metadata on DSBB IMF
Assets USD million Q3/24 8178.91 7644.70
Direct investment abroad USD million Q3/24 462.98 447.01
Portfolio investment USD million Q3/24 24.13 23.23
Equity securities USD million Q3/24 3.75 3.68
Debt securities USD million Q3/24 20.38 19.55
Financial derivatives USD million Q3/24 0.00 0.00
Other investment USD million Q3/24 2009.96 1885.85
Reserve assets USD million Q3/24 5681.84 5288.61
Liabilities USD million Q3/24 13964.88 13274.83
Direct investment USD million Q3/24 5618.15 5314.99
Portfolio investment USD million Q3/24 22.61 23.40
Equity securities USD million Q3/24 21.57 22.43
Debt securities USD million Q3/24 1.04 0.97
Financial derivatives USD million Q3/24 0.00 0.00
Other investment USD million Q3/24 8324.12 7936.44
Gross External Debt Gross External Debt Metadata on DSBB IMF
Gross External Debt USD million Q3/24 10173.20 9780.46
Exchange Rates (monthly average) Daily exchange rates Metadata on DSBB IMF
EUR MDL Feb/25 19.4600 19.2957
USD MDL Feb/25 18.6998 18.6438



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
Population persons, thousands 2024 2423.3 2492.3**** Population Metaata on DSBB IMF



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
Climate change indicators Metadata on DSBB IMF
Taxes on fossil fuels in US dollars USD million Q3/24 67.22 56.98
Taxes on fossil fuels in percent of GDP % Q3/24 1.30 1.35



SDDS Data Category and
Observations More info
Period of
latest data
Data for
Gender Labor force participation rate Metadata on DSBB IMF
Labor force participation rate, male %, Ratio between labor force to the total population aged 15 years and over Q4/24 44.9 49.6
Labor force participation rate, female %, Ratio between labor force to the total population aged 15 years and over Q4/24 40.4 42.2


*    Except the territory on the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.

**   Preliminary data.

***  Not applicable.

****  Updated data.

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