Construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in year 2008

National Bureau of Statistics releases preliminary data on the construction of dwellings in year 2008 in the Republic of Moldova. In 2008 from the account of overall financing sources, there were given for use 6152 apartments with the total surface of 623,2 thousand square meters, that constituted 111,7% compared to the respective period of the previous year. Construction of dwellings was mainly performed by economic agents from non-state sector of national economy, being 82,5% from the overall dwellings given for use.

Construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in year 2008

National Bureau of Statistics releases preliminary data on the construction of dwellings in year 2008 in the Republic of Moldova. In 2008 from the account of overall financing sources, there were given for use 6152 apartments with the total surface of 623,2 thousand square meters, that constituted 111,7% compared to the respective period of the previous year. Construction of dwellings was mainly performed by economic agents from non-state sector of national economy, being 82,5% from the overall dwellings given for use.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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