Number of resident population in Moldova on 1 January 2016 at territorial level, on average, genders and age groups

National Bureau of Statistics announced that the number of population of the Republic of Moldova on 01.01.2016 amounted to 3,5531 thousand people less than in the same period of 2015 with 2103 people. More than half of the population is represented by rural inhabitants - 2042,0 thousand people, or 57,5%. In urban areas are living 1,5111 thousand persons, or 42,5%. Population by gender takes the next configuration: 51,9% (1844,0 thousand) - female and 48,1% (1,7091 thousand people) - men.

Number of resident population in Moldova on 1 January 2016
at territorial level, on average, genders and age groups

National Bureau of Statistics announced that the number of population of the Republic of Moldova on 01.01.2016 amounted to 3,5531 thousand people less than in the same period of 2015 with 2103 people. More than half of the population is represented by rural inhabitants - 2042,0 thousand people, or 57,5%. In urban areas are living 1,5111 thousand persons, or 42,5%. Population by gender takes the next configuration: 51,9% (1844,0 thousand) - female and 48,1% (1,7091 thousand people) - men.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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