Opinion poll on the openness of the population to participate in the 2024 Population and Housing Census


We would like to invite you to participate in a short poll regarding the citizens openness level in providing information to enumerators in the 2024 Population and Housing Census.

The National Bureau of Statistics is in the preparation process of the Population and Housing Census that will be conducted between 8 April - 7 July 2024, in the Republic of Moldova.

In this context, we would like to invite you to participate in a short poll regarding the citizens openness level in providing information to enumerators in the 2024 Population and Housing Census. The questionnaire can be accessed HERE.

The aim of the opinion poll is to assess the citizens level of knowledge concerning the 2024 Census, the openness to participate as well on the reasons why they would not wish to be enumerated.

Your answers are very important to us, based on them we will be able to make the right decisions and take the necessary actions in order to increase public confidence in the Census and its importance to society.


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