Pilot Census


According to Decision of the National Commission for Population and Housing Census  No. 6 of July 11, 2023, from August 28 to October 10, 2023, will take place  population and housing  Pilot Census (including pilot post-enumeration survey). The pilot census is a preparatory stage of the Population and Housing Census (PHC) planned for 2024 in order to implement Law 231/2022 on the Population and Housing Census, and Government Decision No. 951/2022 on the organization and conduct of the population and housing census in the Republic of Moldova in 2024.

The census is a major statistical activity that takes place every 10 years, as part of the global census rounds carried out in accordance with international recommendations.

Pilot Census will take place in selected census sectors in 11 localities of the country:

Municipality Chișinău sectors:

  • Centru 
  • Râșcani 
  • Botanica 
  • Ciocana 
  • village Colonița

North Region

  • municipality Bălți 
  • municipality Soroca, rayon Soroca
  • village Glinjeni, rayon Fălești

 Centre Region

  • village Varnița, rayon Anenii Noi 
  • village Butuceni, rayon Orhei 

 South Region

  • village Crihana Veche, rayon Cahul 
  • village Copanca, rayon Căușeni
  • town Taraclia, rayon Taraclia

T.A.U.  Găgăuzia

  • municipality Comrat

Why is the Pilot Census necessary?

A pilot census is a mandatory stage in the preparation of a census aimed to test the census questionnaires, data collection tools and various aspects of how to organise the census. The pilot census also helps to better understand the possible challenges and obstacles in the successful conduct of next year's census, thus ensuring a high quality of the information collected.

The reference time of the pilot census will be date of 28.08.2023, 00:00 a.m.; the data collected should reflect the characteristics at that point in time.

Do all inhabitants of the selected localities participate in the pilot census?

    Only residents of selected census sectors in the localities where the pilot census will take place will participate in the pilot census.

    The subject of the census are:

    1. persons
      • with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova at the reference date of the pilot census;
      • domiciled in the Republic of Moldova and living abroad for up to 12 months for work, study and other purposes;
    2. buildings
      • dwellings (occupied or unoccupied);
      • intended for purposes other than habitation, if there is at least one dwelling in them;
    3. dwellings situated in any building, whether or not inhabited at the reference date of the pilot census.

    How will the survey take place?

    National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) will employ temporary census staff to carry out the Pilot Census, particularly in the field data collection, which will include:

    • 121 enumerators
    • 22 supervisors.

    Enumerator, a person employed by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and trained to carry out the pilot census, will make home visits to households that have been selected to participate in the pilot census during the period 28 August - 10 October 2023. The enumerator will fix the answers of the respondents on the electronic device - tablet.

    In case no one is present at home, the enumerator will leave anotice to set a date and time when they can return. Selectively, at some households, census staff will make an additional visit to assess the quality of the census as part of the post-enumerator survey (the purpose of which is to assess the accuracy of the pilot census by measuring coverage and content errors).

    How do we recognise the NBS enumerator?

    Enumerators (and other temporary census staff) will be authorized by corresponding badges, issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, with which they will identify themselves when coming to households or interacting with the population in the selected pilot census districts. Also, in order to be distinguished, enumerators will wear PHC identity badges, including: caps and/or T-shirts, bags and tablets with the pilot census logo.

    In order to verify the identity of the census staff employed by the NBS or to ask any other question concerning the PHC, the population may contact the dedicated green line (free calls) of the census 0800 800 24 or write to the email rpl2024@statistica.gov.md.

    How will personal data be protected?

    The data provided at the census by the interviewed persons are strictly confidential and protected according to Law No 231/2022 on population and housing census and Law No 93/2017 on official statistics. Thus, personal data will not be disclosed to anyone. They will only be used for statistical purposes for the compilation and dissemination of census results in the form of generalised statistical data, without being possible to identify the person.

    Does the pilot census have anything to do with the local elections this autumn?

    The pilot census is a statistical activity carried out by the NBS in collaboration with other central and local public authorities. The NBS, as the central statistical authority, carries out the work according to Law no. 93/2017, is apolitical, does not support or assist any political party (see article 7(8)). Respectively, the Pilot Census is not related to the local elections, which are two completely separate events.

    More details can be found under Questions and Answers (in Rom.)  and Population and Housing Census 2024.


    Knowing the real situation and making changes in the communities in which we live,
     depends on the participation in the census of every inhabitant of the country and providing correct and complete answers!


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