Request for access to microdata

According to the Law on official statistics (art. 20), access to individual data that do not allow the direct identification of respondents (microdata) can be granted only for scientific research projects whose expected results do not refer to identifiable individual units.

The conditions under which National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) can grant access to individual data for scientific research projects are stipulated in the Regulation on access to individual data for scientific purposes, approved by NBS Order no. 51 of 31.12.2021. The regulation establishes the conditions under which NBS can grant access to anonymized individual data (microdata), in compliance with data confidentiality rules, for scientific research projects. In general, the regulation describes how to request access, who can request it, the necessary documents, the content of the research proposal, the terms of use and ensuring data confidentiality, the responsibilities of the research entity and researchers, the forms of granting access to individual data etc.

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