Steering Committee Meeting of the STATREG Project

On 15 July 2015 the Steering Committee of the STATREG project met for second time and approved the first Interim Report. The Team Leader, José CERVERA, presented the activities carried out since the beginning of the project and the next activities.

Steering Committee Meeting of the STATREG Project

On 15 July 2015 the Steering Committee of the "Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova" (STATREG) project met for second time and approved the first Interim Report.

The Team Leader, José CERVERA, presented the activities carried out since the beginning of the project and the next activities. The Expert on Regional Accounts, Jean Paul BLANDINIERES summarized the findings of the assessment of the current situation of regional statistics and the priorities for technical assistance in the continuation of the project. The Expert on Capacity Building, Liliana LUCACIU, described the activities implemented and events organized to evaluate and improve the capacity of users (especially the Ministry for Regional Development and Construction and the Regional Development Agencies) to effectively use statistics for regional policy-making.

The meeting, chaired by the Director General of NBS, Lucia SPOIALĂ, was attended by representatives of the Ministries for Regional Development and Construction, Economy, Finance and the State Chancellery, as well as of the Regional Development Agencies. The international donors were represented by the EU Delegation, the GIZ (Germany), the Embassies of Romania and Sweden and the UNDP.


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