Subsistence level in the III quarter 2008

Subsistence level in the 3rd quarter 2008 constituted in average per person 1245,8 lei. The evolution of the subsistence level in the first three quarters of 2008 has registered the same tendencies as in the previous year, the highest value being registered in the second quarter (1341,9), and the lowest level in the third quarter (1245,8).

Subsistence level in the III quarter 2008

Subsistence level in the 3rd quarter 2008 constituted in average per person 1245,8 lei. The evolution of the subsistence level in the first three quarters of 2008 has registered the same tendencies as in the previous year, the highest value being registered in the second quarter (1341,9), and the lowest level in the third quarter (1245,8). This decrease was determined mailny by the decrease of the prices for seasonal products. Value of the subsistence level in the 3rd quarter has decreased with 7,2% comapred to the 2nd quarter 2008, and with 5,3% comapred to the 1st quarter 2008.

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