The "Entrepreneurship" and "Construction" statistical domains updated in Statistical databank with new statistical data

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the Statistical databank has been supplemented with new statistical information reflecting the domains of Entrepreneurship and Construction.

The "Entrepreneurship" and "Construction" statistical domains
updated in Statistical databank with new statistical data

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the Statistical databank has been supplemented with new statistical information on the Entrepreneurship and Construction domains.

The domain of Entrepreneurship has been completed with 2 new tables that present data on Innovation in industry and services, namely:

  1.  Innovative enterprises, by economic activities and size classes, 2015-2020
  2.  Innovative enterprises, by economic activities and development regions, 2015-2020

The Construction domain has also been updated with 2 new tables containing information on Building permits issued for construction, such as:

  1. Construction permits released for buildings, in territorial aspect and periods, 2014-2021
  2. Construction permits released for buildings, in territorial aspect and areas, 2020-2021

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