The level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2019

National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical information on the level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2019, according to the standard set of indicators on poverty, estimated based on the results of the Household Budget Survey.

The level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2019

National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical information on the level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2019, according to the standard set of indicators on poverty, estimated based on the results of the Household Budget Survey.

In 2019, the absolute poverty line was on average per person 2095.13 lei per month and, respectively, the absolute poverty rate was 25.2%. At the same time, the extreme poverty line was on average 1689.7 lei per month per person, and the extreme poverty rate was 10.7%.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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