The National Bureau of Statistics conducts trainings on testing the modern methods for data collection for interviewers and supervisors involved in the Household Budget Survey

​​​​​​​Several specialists, interview operators and supervisors from the National Bureau of Statistics are participating in a training seminar on 26-28 October 2022, where they test the Survey Solutions application, developed with the support of the World Bank, for the data collection within the Household Budget Survey through interviews using electronic devices.

Several specialists, interview operators and supervisors from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) are participating in a training seminar on 26-28 October 2022, where they test the Survey Solutions application, developed with the support of the World Bank, for the data collection within the Household Budget Survey (HBS) through interviews using electronic devices (Eng.: Computer-assisted Personal Interviewing – CAPI). The CAPI test program application for the HBS was developed with the support of the expert from the World Bank, Klaus Blass.

During the opening session of the training, the Deputy General Director of the NBS, Mrs. Aurelia Spataru welcomed the audience emphasizing the decisive role of the activity in the field and the skills of the interview operator in ensuring the quality of information collected from households and noted that the "digitalization of the data collection process will support the NBS in its main task of producing reliable and objective information on the economic and social situation in the Republic of Moldova".

After the completion of the training, in November, current year, the trained specialists will proceed to collect data for the HBS using tablets in several localities, in 4 regions of the country.

We inform you that the mobile electronic devices were donated by the United Nations Population Fund, with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

We note that Survey Solutions is a complex and well-developed application widely used by statistical offices in other countries to increase the efficiency and accuracy of data. At present, the NBS is successfully using the CAPI method in the collection of consumer price data as well as in the process of digital maps updating (listing) of households and buildings. Another program application, CS Pro, is in the process of testing for data collection in the framework of the statistical survey Labour Force Survey (LFS) - an activity implemented with the support of the project financed by the European Union "Technical assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova" (ParStat).


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