The users satisfaction survey with official statistics in the Republic of Moldova

The users satisfaction survey with official statistics in the Republic of Moldova data was conducted by Magenta Consulting from 2 June 2022 to 24 June 2022 and aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of users in relation with the statistical information and data provided by the NBS and other producers of official statistics.

The users satisfaction survey with official statistics in the Republic of Moldova data was conducted by Magenta Consulting from 2 June 2022 to 24 June 2022 and aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of users in relation with the statistical information and data provided by the NBS and other producers of official statistics, to understand the general approach towards the national statistical system (NSS), as well as to identify the sources of information with statistical data, the frequency of their use, the level of trust, the extent to which data needs are covered, difficulties in accessing data and training needs.

The survey assessed indicators with reference to:

  1. The degree of data access, assessed according to users' opinions in terms of several criteria:

- Clarity (data are clear, with metadata),

- relevance (reflecting users' information needs),

- timeliness (data disseminated at times that meet users' needs),

- accessibility (dissemination channels),

- coherence and comparability;

  1. Extent of use of official statistics by main users(central and local public authorities, higher education institutions, academia, business, media institutions, trade unions, NGOs, political parties, international organisations, diplomatic missions, embassies and consulates, general public;
  2. The degree of user satisfaction with the statistical information of NSS members.

Should be noted that the user satisfaction survey covered official statistics produced and disseminated by both the NBS and the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), as producers of official statistics, and by NSS partners, and the sample included all categories of data users: central and local public administration, academia, educational institutions, civil society and non-governmental organisations, international organisations, embassies, private enterprises, media, as well as individuals.

A total number of 777 people took part in the survey, of which 58% were women and 41% - men. At the same time, 7 in-depth interviews were conducted with users of statistical data. In addition, the survey was placed online in order to provide the opportunity for other interested persons to participate.

Overall, the majority of survey participants said they were confident and satisfied with the statistical information provided by national sources (average score 3.1 out of 4, where 4 is the maximum score). At the same time, respondents felt that information from statistical data sources was relevant, timely and clear (3.1 out of 4 points), accessible and coherent (3 out of 4 points).

Most statistical data are used for"policy, monitoring, evaluation of policies, regulations and legislation" (47%). 38% of respondents said they use statistical data for "personal, curiosity" purposes.

According to the frequency of use of statistical information from official data sources, 29% of survey participants use statistical data on a weekly basis for professional or personal purposes. With reference to the NBS, 89% of respondents indicated that the NBS is the main source for obtaining the necessary statistical data.

A significant proportion of users (73%) said that their needs for official statistical data are largely covered. At the same time, they indicated that they would need more economic, finance and budget statistics, disaggregated demographic data, as well as up-to-date population and census data.

At the same time, respondents noted the need for training in the use, downloading, processing and interpretation of data, as well as training in the use of the NBS website and statistical data. Every fifth respondent indicated that lack of knowledge of where to obtain official statistics was a difficulty for them.

In general, opinion surveys measuring user satisfaction with statistical data are a basic and indispensable tool in the work of official statistical data producers in the country and are in line with the European Statistics Code of Practice. Thus, in order to understand the needs of different categories of data users, the NBS regularly (every 4-6 years) initiates independent survey aimed at assessing users' opinions on the quality of the statistical information produced and disseminated, in terms of compliance with the fundamental principles of statistics, the usefulness of statistical methodologies and the extent to which this information meets the needs of different categories of users.

We emphasize that the survey was conducted thanks to the project "Technical Assistance to the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova" (ParStat) which was implemented with the support of the European Union during 2019-2022.

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