Trainings offered by STATREG Project in January

During January trainings for NBS staff have been organized within "Improved regional statistics in Moldova" EU funded Project (STATREG), as follows: Tableau Public on territorial indicators dissemination; project management; advanced use of Excel skills.

Trainings offered by STATREG Project in January

During January trainings for NBS staff have been organized within "Improved regional statistics in Moldova" EU funded Project (STATREG), as follows:

Tableau Public on territorial indicators dissemination

On 11-12 January 2017, the National Bureau of Statistics staff benefitted of a training on the use of Tableau Public to disseminate territorial indicators.

This application makes possible to connect to statistical data files and develop indicators presentations in an intuitive manner by using maps, charts, bar graphs, etc., which can be combined in dashboards.

In addition, the application allows to visualize territorial indicators development and to share them with other entities and stakeholders in order to draw conclusions that institutions can rely on in managing and controlling their activity, in particular in formulating strategic decisions. Tableau Public also allows to upload on the website dashboards and visualizations produced for data dissemination.

Project management for National Bureau of Statistics staff

Based on National Bureau of Statistics request, “Improved regional statistics in Moldova” EU Project organized a new round of Project Management training course. 

The course was held on 19 and 20 of January 2017 and it was designed for NBS staff involved in current projects or potential staff to participate in future projects.

Also NBS managers able to adopt and apply project management principles and methods in their area of responsibility, which may facilitate, initiate and effectively implement projects that contribute to regional statistics development, participated in the course.

The training provided participants with general information on projects and their types, life cycle and practical skills in project formulation, budgeting, cost calculation and human resources use.
The second day of training was focused on the project quality analysis, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and on risk management analysis.

By the end, course participants had the opportunity to be assisted by trainer in drafting a project, which was presented, discussed and evaluated in order to confirm the acquisition of expected skills.

Advanced use of Excel skills for National Bureau of Statistics staff

As part of continuous project activities, “Improved regional statistics in Moldova" project continued the training series on "Advanced Use of Excel skills" started in 2016.

Modules 4 and 5 entitled Excel for statistical analysis and Excel Macros were held between 23 to 26 January 2017.

Module 4 organized during 2 consecutive days was focused on columns sorting, filters types, filters scenarios using AutoFilter, Custom Filter and Advanced Filter. The participants were trained in the use of Pivot Tables reports and provided with multi-level aggregation and grouping by distinct values.

Module 5 focused on Personal Macro Workbook registration, opening and deleting, toolbar creating, recording a complex macro, macro simplifying and protection, etc.

During the training, participants were involved in several practical exercises to confirm achieved knowledge.

All 5 modules on "Advanced use of Excel skills" were provided by the informational technology and e-learning international expert, Mrs. Carmen Holotescu.



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