Turnover in trade and services in September 2012 and January-September 2012


National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in September 2012, turnover in enterprises with main type of activity retail trade decreased with 2,0% (in comparable prices) compared to previous month, and with 1,5% compared to September 2011.

Turnover in trade and services in September 2012 and January-September 2012

National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in September 2012, turnover in enterprises with main type of activity  retail trade decreased with 2,0% (in comparable prices) compared to previous month, and with 1,5% compared to September 2011.

In January-September 2012, turnover in retail trade increased with 1,0% (in comparable prices) compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language and in Statbank.


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