A new sub-domain "Remuneration of employees" in the databank


The new sub-domain "Remuneration of employees" was created in National Accounts subject-area of the statistical databank. Remuneration of employees by economic activities and institutional sectors, as well as the contribution of employees' remuneration in the formation of gross domestic product and gross value added are available in this sub-domain.

The new sub-domain "Remuneration of employees" was created in National Accounts subject-area of the statistical databank.

Remuneration of employees as a component of the gross domestic product (income method) represents the remuneration in monetary or in kind form, paid by the employer to the employee for the work performed in the reporting period. The remuneration of employees includes the gross calculated sums, including premiums, bonuses, advantages in kind, income taxes and payments in social security funds and other payments.

Remuneration of employees by economic activities and institutional sectors, as well as the contribution of employees' remuneration in the formation of gross domestic product and gross value added are available in this sub-domain. Data are presented for the time series 1995-2009.

Data are available under the heading Statistical databank / National accounts / Remuneration of employees.


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