Activity of primary and general secondary education institutions at the beginning of 2010/2011 school year

National Bureau of Statistics informs that at the beginning of 2010/11 school year, the network of primary and general secondary education institutions included 1489 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, including 5 evening schools and 1484 day schools.

Activity of primary and general secondary education institutions at the beginning of 2010/2011 school year

National Bureau of Statistics informs that at the beginning of 2010/11 school year, the network of primary and general secondary education institutions included 1489 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, including 5 evening schools and 1484 day schools. Day education is organized in 85 primary schools, 763 gymnasiums, 495 lyceums, 108 general schools, 33 schools for children with delays in the intelectual or physical development.

More detailed information is available in Romanian.


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