Aurelia Spătaru

Deputy General Director

Date and place of birth: 13.09.1975, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 


  • 2010-2013Doctoral studies, Economic Statistics department, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova;
  • 1993-1998 Bachelor of Economics, department Cybernetics and Economic Informatics, qualification engineer-economist, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova;
  • 1992-1993English Language Diploma, upper secondary school no.56 (Lyceum „Spiru Haret”), Chișinau, Moldova;
  • 1990-1993Postsecondary vocational education diploma, qualification PC operator of Ist category, Republican College of Informatics, Chisinau, Moldova

Professional experience

  • 2019-prezent Deputy General Director, National Bureau of Statistics;
  • 2007-2019 Project Manager, UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, United Nations Development Programme in Moldova, beneficiary the National Bureau of Statistics. Monitoring and evaluation specialist, UNDP;
  • 1999-2007 Assistant and Programme Coordinator, Arts, Culture and Media, Soros Foundation Moldova;
  • 1998-1999 Consultant, Agricultural Policy and Sustainable Growth Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry;
  • 1994-1998Junior consultant, consultant, Consulting agency “ECCE”.

Part-time activity

  • November 2004 - December 2005 Project manager “Strengthening the Statistical System of the Republic of Moldova”, World Bank grant (Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building, Grant Number TF051939) awarded to the National Department of Statistics and Sociology of RM
  • 1999 Project assistant, “Agriculture policy strategy” (Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry and a related TACIS project): developing the strategy and strategic management of the Ministry of Agriculture for 1998-2005 years
  • 1998 Project assistant, “Energy sector privatization program”: evaluation of the energy sector for privatization and corporate restructuring purposes
  • 1998 Project assistant, “Social Assistance System Restructuring in Moldova” (Ministry of Labor and a related TACIS project): improving the functioning of the existing social assistance institutional schemes, evaluation procedures for contributions to the State Social Fund

Scientific works

  • Cara E., Spataru A. Measurement of the impact of decentralization on people equality, Ed. ASEM, no. 4(82), 2012, pp.22-32, ISSN 1810-9136
  • Cara E., Spataru A. Methodological aspects regarding the measurement of the human development, in the Republic of Moldova: 20 years of economic reforms: intern. scient. conf., Chisinău, 23-24 September, 2011. Ch., 2011, vol.I, p.520-523. ISBN 978-9975-75-587-0

Spoken languages

  • Romaniannative
  • Englishfluent
  • Russianfluent



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