Distribution of employees by size of salary calculated for September 2023


National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the survey "Distribution of employees according to the size of the salary calculated for September 2023": the average gross monthly wage in the real sector units with 4 or more employees and all budgetary institutions amounted to 11930,5 lei;approximately 2 out of 3 employees (66.2%) had salaries more than 7 thousand lei, and every third employee (33.8%) had salaries until 7 thousand lei.

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the survey "Distribution of employees according to the size of the  salary calculated for September 2023":

  • the average gross monthly salary in the real sector units with 4 or more employees and all budgetary institutions amounted to 11930,5 lei;
  • approximately 2 out of 3 employees (66.2%) had salaries more than 7 thousand lei, and every third employee (33.8%) had salaries until 7 thousand lei.

From the total number of employees, 3.6% had salaries of 4 thousand lei, 30.2% had salaries between 4 and 7 thousand lei, 45.4% had salaries between 7 and 15 thousand lei, and 20.8% had salaries more than 15 thousand lei.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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