„Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2021 posted on the website


„The energy balance of the Republic of Moldova” is a large statistical collection, which presents the statistical indicators on the formation of primary and general resources of energy, distribution and final energy consumption on the main activities of the national economy during the period 2015-2020.

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistical compilation „Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2021 was posted on the website.

„The energy balance of the Republic of Moldova” is a large statistical collection, which presents the statistical indicators on the formation of primary and general resources of energy, distribution and final energy consumption on the main activities of the national economy during the period 2015-2020.

The collection is structured in 2 chapters which include 18 tables and 6 charts. Basic methodological notes are displayed for the basic indicators of the balance in the collection

The publications is available in Excel format.

More detailed information is available under the heading: Products and services Publications Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova


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