EU Project “Improved Regional Statistics": Working meetings in February 2015

The Key Experts of the Regional Statistics project had a number of meetings during February to discuss technical details of the next project activities to be implemented.

EU Project “Improved Regional Statistics": Working meetings in February 2015

The Key Experts of the Regional Statistics project had a number of meetings during February to discuss technical details of the next project activities to be implemented.

Liliana Lucaciu (Key Expert in Capacity Building) met the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction. The topics discussed included the capacity building needs for the elaboration of socio-economic analysis of regional development, for policy design and for a potential establishment of Territorial Observatories, as recommended in past projects. Some particular information needs concerning intra-regional disparities and the small-area deprivation index were also discussed as well as the coordination with the MLPS project.

Vygandas Norkus (Key Expert on IT), carried out a preliminary assessment of the IT infrastructure and tools used in the NBS and its territorial offices in Balti and Comrat for the production of regional statistics. The results of this assessment have been presented together with José Luis Cervera (Team Leader) in a meeting at the NBS. In addition, as a result of close cooperation with representatives of the Synthesis and Dissemination of Statistical Information Division, the project webpage has been set up.

In order to increase the NBS capacity in computation of regional accounts, Jean-Paul Blandinières (Key Expert on Regional Accounts) discussed with the Head of National Accounts about the possibility to organise a presentation at the NBS on the IT tool “ERETES” promoted by Eurostat together with the INSEE (France). This presentation would be an opportunity to complement the awareness of the NBS staff attending the event “Why consider IT tools for national accounts compilation?” held on 5 March 2015 (side event of the 46th UNSC in New York).

More details about the project are available under the heading International cooperation / EU Project “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova”


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