Foreign trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2008

Imports in November 2008 have decreased compared to those in October 2008 and increased if compared to those in November 2007, meanwhile exports have reduced compared to both periods. The fall was influenced, mainly, by the consequences of the world financial crisis, which had a negative impact on the trade relations of the Republic of Moldova. The exports of commodities in November 2008 have registered a value of 123,7 mln. US dollars, with 17,7% less to the previous month and with 16,8% - compared to November 2007. In January-November 2008 the exports have summed up to 1477,1 mln. US dollars, a higher volume than that registered in the respective period in 2007 with 21, 6%.

Foreign trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2008

Imports in November 2008 have decreased compared to those in October 2008 and increased if compared to those in November 2007, meanwhile exports have reduced compared to both periods. The fall was influenced, mainly, by the consequences of the world financial crisis, which had a negative impact on the trade relations of the Republic of Moldova.

The exports of commodities in November 2008 have registered a value of 123,7 mln. US dollars, with 17,7% less to the previous month and with 16,8% - compared to November 2007.

In January-November 2008 the exports have summed up to 1477,1 mln. US dollars, a higher volume than that registered in the respective period in 2007 with 21, 6%.  

More detailed information can be found in Romanian language.


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