Guides and informative materials

Guides and informative materials for users of statistical data with the support of
Joint UN Project "Strengthening the National Statistical System"


Economic statistics, European Union versus Republic of Moldova (EU-28)Social statistics, European Union versus Republic of Moldova (EU-28)
Sustainable development statistics, European Union versus Republic of MoldovaGender Pulse, a viewer for statistical data on women and men


Informative booklets disseminated to households which are invited to participate in the: HBS and LFS, 2013-2014 (UN Women)

manual_comunicare.pngElaboration and institutionalization of university education statistics course for journalists and communication specialists, 2013 (UNDP, UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA)

Informative bulletin "Employment quality in figures", 2013 (UNDP, UN Women)



Informative brochure regarding NBS, disseminated with the occasion of World Statistics Day celebrated on 20.10.2010 (UNDP)



Informative bulletin for the Network of interviewers and observers of NBS, 3 editions, 2008-2009 (UNDP)


Ghid_utilizatori_gen.PNGGender statistics user guide, 2008 (UN Women)


Reference metadata on statistical indicators, including MDGs(UNDP, UN Women):

Harmonized set of development indicators in a gender sensitive manner, (UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women)


Practical Guide for the interviewers of HBS and LFS(UNDP)




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