Improvement of Social and Agricultural Statistics in the Republic of Moldova

Obtaining relevant and authentic data for the purpose of meeting integrally the informational requirements of the society needs continuous improvement of statistics.

Increasing the capacities of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to develop statistical indicators and data about the population living standards, labor force market in the Republic of Moldova, agricultural activity of farms and households based on data collecting, as well as the improved possibilities to analyze the data were the basic objectives of the Project supported by the Department for International Development of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (DFID) „Improvement of Social and Agricultural Statistics” (ISAS) and implemented by NI-CO Company.

During the carrying out of the project, November 2001 - June 2008, NBS has undertaken a number of activities in partnership with relevant central and local public authorities, benefiting from the contribution of local and international experts, so as to implement and carry out the statistical sample surveys in the social and agricultural field: „Households Budget Survey”, „Labor Force Survey” and „Survey of small producers in agriculture”. A special component of the project deals with the carrying out of these surveys, was to establish the preconditions for creating and making function the Sample Surveys Unit within the NBS.

For the purpose of efficient and sustainable usage of these statistical surveys, the Project has organized for NBS representatives specialized trainings and study tours for practical training and exposure to examples of successful application of these surveys in other countries. And with the participation of statisticians, partners in statistics and users of statistical data, there were carried out different seminars and round tables, that addressed the methodologies and the importance of using the results of these surveys. Additionally, there were organized trainings for improving the managerial skills as well as English language courses for the personnel of NBS.

Besides, the project has contributed to the development and improvement of the dissemination methods of the statistical information by initiating the relations with mass-media, opening the first library with statistical publications in the country, as well as through developing and standardizing the modalities for statistical information broadcasting.

Other important components of the project were addressing the development of human resources, improvement of technical infrastructure, development of knowledge and capacities in IT field, as well as the launch of an advertising campaign for the statistical surveys in social and agricultural fields.

This was one of the long-term projects applied in the statistics field and it had an essential input to reform the national statistical system in the relevant components in line with the international standards, especially EU norms.

All the activities of the DFID/ISAS Project were structured in line with the general efforts undertaken by the Government of the Republic of Moldova to fulfill the relevant goals of the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategic Paper, as well as the objectives of other national strategies, like: the Plan of Actions Republic of Moldova – European union, National Development Strategy.


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