Launch of animated maps in agricultural field

Animated data visualisation using this application presents the changes in territorial aspect of indicators related to livestock of cattle, cows, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, rabbits and bee families from 2007 to the present.

National Bureau of Statistics announces that a newanimated map "Livestock in the Republic of Moldova in all categories of households" has been posted on the official page.

Animated data visualisation using this application presents the changes in territorial aspect of indicators related to livestock of cattle, cows, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, rabbits and bee families,  from 2007 to the present.

To see the map, click on the picture. Various options will be described under the map on mouseover. You must have the browser plugin Flash installed in order to view the application.

We would like to mention, that the applications were developed in collaboration with Data Visualisation Centre of United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics.

The animated map can be accessed under the heading Products and services / Interactive products / Animated maps or under Statistics by themes / Agriculture.

All interactive tools developed by NBS can be found under Interactive products heading.


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