Library of the National Bureau of Statistics


The library of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is an informational centre of national and inter­national statistical data that serves the entire variety of require­ments in statistical field and at the same time it is the single sta­tistical library in the country.

Opened on the 7th of March 2003, due to financial support of the ISAS Project (Improvement of Social and Agricultural Statistics) of the Department for International Development of the Great Britain and North Ireland (DFID), the library already possesses a pre­cious fund of statistical publications from all areas of social, eco­nomic, agricultural, etc.

The book collection covers all the statistical publications published by NBS, other statistical books produced within the country and a large number of documents and publications of other national statistical offices and inter­national organizations with which NBS maintains informational communication, such as:  Eurostat, FAO, ISAE, ILO,IMF, UNESCO, European Bank, UN, , OECD,  DFID, UNDP, UNIFEM etc.

Admission in the library is free.

The opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 17.00 
              break: 12.00 – 13.00

Address: 106, Grenoble Str., National Bureau for Statistics, 1st floor

tel.: 0 22 40 30 51


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