Number of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova in 2018

The estimated number of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova is 176,1 thousand people, including 10,6 thousand children aged 0-17 years. Persons with disabilities represent 6,6% of total population of the country, and children with disabilities constitute approximately 1,8% of all children from Moldova.

Number of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova in 2018

The estimated number of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova is 176,1 thousand people, including 10,6 thousand children aged 0-17 years. Persons with disabilities represent 6,6% of total population of the country, and children with disabilities constitute approximately 1,8% of all children from Moldova.
On average at 10 thousand inhabitants there are 656 people with disabilities while for 10 thousand of children there are 180 children aged 0-17 years. Almost every seventh person with disability falls into the category of severe disability.
More detailed information is available in Romanian langauage.

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