Project Component on Improvement of availability and reliability of regional for Moldova’s decision-makers

The respective component is part of the Joint UN Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, implemented by UN agencies - UNDP; UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA and ILO.

The component aims at improving the quality of statistical data at regional level, as well as the capacity development for the National Bureau of Statistics and (NBS) and other relevant national stakeholders to produce, monitor and use statistics in evidence-based formulation, implementation, monitoring and analysis of policies.


  1. Support the evidence-based monitoring of regional development policy through improvement of the regional statistics
  2. Facilitate consultation with EU and recommend to the Government the sub-division of the country compliant with the NUTS regulation
  3. Undertake qualitative and methodological review of Small Areas Deprivation Index (SADI) and explore options for its institutionalization.


Launched: February 2013.

Completed: December 2014

Focus Area: Democratic Governance

Donors: Government of Romania

Project Manager: Aurelia Spataru,

Implementation Partners: National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions, Ministry of Economy, State Chancellery

Implementation partner on behalf of Romanian Government: National Institute for Statistics of Romania

Total Budget: 183.000 euro


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