Republic of Moldova ranked 19th in the world and 3rd in the Eastern Europeby coverage and openness of official statistical data

Republic of Moldova ranked 19th in the world and 3rd in the Eastern Europe by coverage and openness of official statistical data. These results were made public by Open Data Watch - Open Data Inventory, which beginning with 2015, annually, conducts an assessment of the coverage and openness of official statistics around the world.

Republic of Moldova ranked 19th in the world and 3rd in the Eastern Europe
by coverage and openness of official statistical data

Republic of Moldova ranked 19th in the world and 3rd in the Eastern Europe by coverage and openness of official statistical data. These results were made public by Open Data Watch - Open Data Inventory (ODIN), which beginning with 2015, annually, conducts an assessment of the coverage and openness of official statistics around the world.

This year, the official websites of the national statistical offices from 187 countries of the world were assessed. In the case of the Republic of Moldova, the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics  and the Databank  were assessed, which, accumulated an overall score of 73 out of 100.

The Open Data Inventory (ODIN) assesses the coverage and openness of data produced by national statistical systems.

Availability evaluates 65 key statistical indicators from 22 categories of statistics in the social, economic and environmental fields. These indicators are assessed according to the availability of disaggregation (including in territorial profile) and of time series.

The second evaluation criterion is the data openness. According to the ODIN, the term open data is defined as: data is open if anyone has free access to use, modify and share it. In practical terms, open data should be machine readable in non-proprietary formats, accompanied by descriptive metadata and export options that allow customization and bulk download, and should be free to be used and reused for any purpose without limitations other than acknowledgement of the original source.

The purpose of the ODIN is to provide an objective assessment of the availability of national statistics and their compliance with open data standards. National statistical offices and their development partners can use ODIN for strategic planning and as a tool for measuring the development of the national statistical system. At the same time, when data is open, it can be used by all actors in society, without certain restrictions, to improve government policies and inform citizens.



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