Statistical databank "Statbank"

StatBank contains detailed tables with time series. You can create your own selections and save these in different file formats. We also offer an API for every table.

Please choose the interested subject-area:

(Atmospheric air protection, City infrastructure, Current expenditures for environment protection and ecological payments, Land and forest fund, Meteorology, Wastes, Water use)

Population and demographic processes 
(Births, Deaths, Divorces, Main demographic indicators, Marriages, Migration, Number of population)

 Social statistics 
(Culture and sport, Dwellings, Education, Health protection, Justice and crime, Labour force and earnings, Living standard of the population, Millennium Development Goals, Social protection)

Economic statistics 
(Agriculture, Construction, Domestic trade, Energy resources, Entrepreneurship, External trade, Industry, Information technologies, Investments in assets, National accounts, Prices, Tourism, Transport)

Gender statistics 
(Education and training of women during lifetime, The participation of women in decision-making process, Women's economic empowerment, Women's health)


Regional statistics  



StatBank is updated regularly according to Update calendar of Statbank

Results of Population and Housing Census can be accessed in the app

Contact phone: +37367 770 013


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