Structure of the National Bureau of Statistics

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is the central administrative authority which, as the central statistical body, manages and coordinates the activity in the field of statistics from the country.

In its activity, NBS acts according to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on official statistics, other legislative acts, Parliament decisions, decrees of the President of the Republic of Moldova, ordinances, decisions and Government orders, international treaties of which the Republic of Moldova is part of, as well as to the provisions of the present Regulation.

The NBS elaborates independently or in collaboration with other central administrative bodies and approves the methodologies of statistical and calculation surveys of statistical indicators, in accordance with international standards, especially those of the European Union, and with the advanced practice of other countries, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the socio-economic conditions of the Republic of Moldova, organizes, following the programme of statistical works, annually approved by the Government, statistical surveys regarding the situation and economic, social, demographic development of the country, performing the works related to the collection, processing, centralizing, storage and dissemination of statistical data.

The structure of the NBS:

Organisation chart NBS

  • General Director
  • Deputy General Director
  • Staff Office of the General Director (with service status)
  • Internal Audit Service
  • Personal Data Protection Service
  • European Integration and International Cooperation Division 
  • Statistical Coordination Division
  • Training Division in Official Statistics
  • Dissemination and Communication Division
    • Dissemination Section
    • Communication and User Relations Section
  • General Division for Statistical Methods and Innovations
    • Survey Research Division
    • Alternative Data Sources and Innovative Tools in Statistics Division
    • Geographic Information Systems Division
    • Quality Management Section
  • National Accounts Division
    • Annual and Quarterly Accounts Section
    • Regional Accounts Section
    • Integrated Accounts Section
  • Consumer Price Statistics Division
  • External Trade Statistics Division
  • General Division for Business Statistics
    • Industry and Energy Statistics Division
    • Investments and Constructions Statistics Division
    • Structural Statistics Division
    • Tourism, Information Technology and Communications Statistics Division
    • Transport and Services Statistics Division
  • Population and Migration Statistics Division
  • Living Standards Statistics Division
  • Division of Labour Force Statistics
  • Labour Market Statistics Division
  • Education, Science and Culture Statistics Division
  • Social Services Statistics Division
  • Census Division
  • Data Collection in Households Division
  • Agriculture and Environment Division
    • Crop and Livestock Production Statistics Section
    • Agricultural Selective Research Section
    • Economic Calculations in Agriculture Section
    • Environment Statistics Service
  • Public Financial Depository and Entrepreneurship Division
    • Depository Division
    • Entrepreneurship statistics section
  • General Division for Informational Technologies
    • Information Systems Development Division
    • Designing of Computer Applications Division
    • Administration of the Informational System Division
    • Respondent Support Service
  • Financial Management Division
    • Planning Division
    • Accounting Division
    • Administration and Acquisitions Division
  • Juridical Section
  • Human Resources Division
  • Document Management Service
  • Chisinau Regional Center for Statistics
  • North Regional Center for Statistics
  • Center Regional Center for Statistics
  • South Regional Center for Statistics

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