Territorial statistics, editions 2013-2021


The publication "Territorial statistics" contains information regarding social-economical and demographical situation in territorial aspect (development regions/municipalities, rayons and statistical zones).

The compilation presents statistical data in the form of tables from various domains: territorial-administrative organization, environment, population, labour force, population incomes and expenditures, prices, dwellings, education, health protection, culture, tourism, crimes, industry, agriculture, investments in long term assets, constructions, transport, information technologies, retail trade, entrepreneurship.

Some indicators are presented as maps to facilitate the use of data and present it in a more attractive and accessible way for the users. 

The publication was developed for the first time in 2013 with the support of the UNDP and the Government of Romania and published in the framework of the UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System.

In Romanian language
Format A4, 160 pages

Electronic versions are avaialable in Romanian version.

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