The compilation "Time Use in the Republic of Moldova", edition 2013

This synthesis provides detailed data on the use of time by Moldova's inhabitants: the types of performed activities (What are they doing?), the length of time for these activities (How much time?), as well as the context in which they are made (Where? With whom? For what purposes?). The compilation contains tables with key indicators that describe the time spent by the residents of Moldova during the day, disaggregated by activities and the main socio-economic-demographic characteristics of the persons aged 10 years and older.

This synthesis "Time Use in the Republic of Moldova"  provides detailed data on the use of time by Moldova's inhabitants: the types of performed activities (What are they doing?), the length of time for these activities (How much time?), as well as the context in which they are made (Where? With whom? For what purposes?).

The compilation contains tables with key indicators that describe the time spent by the residents of Moldova during the day, disaggregated by activities and the main socio-economic-demographic characteristics of the persons aged 10 years and older.

Disaggregated data for about 100 activities are presented. Each activity is characterized by two indicators: the rate of participation in the activity and the average length of participation in the activity.

General outcomes of "Time use in Moldova" research were presented in the Information note "The use of time in Moldova, the main results of the  research on use of time"  (in Rom.).

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