The evolution of the consumer price index in November 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the consumer price index in November 2008. In November 2008, the average consumer prices remained at the same level as in the October 2008, being influenced by the decrease of the prices of non-foodstuff products - by 0,6%, as well as by the increase of tariffs for rendering services for population - by 1,1%, the average prices for foodstuff products remained at the level of October 2008.

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the consumer price index in November 2008.

In November 2008, the average consumer prices remained at the same level as in the October 2008, being influenced by the decrease of the prices of non-foodstuff products - by 0,6%, as well as by the increase of tariffs for rendering services for population - by 1,1%, the average prices for foodstuff products remained at the level of October 2008.

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