The number of live-births by age group of the mother, live-births order and areas in 2020

The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the number of live-births in 2020 was 30730 persons, which is with 1693 less compared to 2019. Of total number of live-births 52,4% were boys, thus the ratio being 110 boys per 100 girls.

The number of live-births by age group of the mother, live-births order and areas in 2020

The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the number of live-births in 2020 was 30730 persons, which is with 1693 (-5,2%) less compared to 2019. Of total number of live-births 52,4% were boys, thus the ratio being 110 boys per 100 girls.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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