The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2010" has been issued

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistcal pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2010" has been published. The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2010" contains statistical information regarding demographic, social and economic situation of the country for 2006-2009. The main indicators are presented in territorial aspect.

Moldova_in_cifre_2010_en_fr.pngNational Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistcal pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2010" has been published.

The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2010" contains statistical information regarding demographic, social and economic situation of the country for 2006-2009. The main indicators are presented in territorial aspect.

The pocket-book is available in Romanian and Russian version (price EUR 19) and also in English and French versions (price EUR 21).

More detailed information is available under the column: Publications / Moldova in figures


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