Turnover in trade and services in January-June 2022


The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in June 2022, turnover in retail trade (excluding trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles), in comparable prices, increased with 3,5% compared to previous month and decreased with 4,1% compared to June 2021.

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in June 2022, turnover in retail trade (excluding trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles), in comparable prices, increased with 3,5% compared to previous month and decreased with 4,1% compared to June 2021.

In June 2022 the turnover in wholesale trade (excluding trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles), in current prices, increased with 0,3% compared to May 2022 and with 45,1%, compared to June 2021.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language and in Statbank.



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