World Statistics Day to be celebrated for the first time in the history

This year, on October 20, for the first time in the history, the World Statistics Day will be celebrated. The aim of the event is to raise the awareness on the importance and results achieved by the national statistical offices.

World Statistics Day to be celebrated for the first time in the history

This year, on October 20, for the first time in the history, the World Statistics Day will be celebrated. The aim of the event is to raise the awareness on the importance and results achieved by the national statistical offices.

On June 3, 2010, the General Assembly of the United Nations, under the auspices of the 64th session, adopted the Resolution A/RES/64/267regarding the celebration of World Statsitics Day on October 20, 2010:

Recognizing the fundamental importance of sustaining national statistical capacities to produce relevant and timely statistics on social and economic development of the country to be applied in decision making processes, policy development and afferent monitoring, the General Assembly decided to celebrate on October 20 the World Statistics Day, with the generic „Celebrating the many contributions and achievements of official statistics. Service, professionalism and integrity”.

In the context of acknowledging the importance of giving credit to the official statistical systems, the General Assembly invited the UN member countries, UN organizations and programmes, other international and regional organizations, CSOs, academia, media, other data producers and users of official statistics, to appropriately celebrate the World Statistics Day. The UN member states are encouraged to organize events at the national level for celebrating this international day.

The Republic of Moldova will celebrate, along with other UN member states, the World Statistics Day. The National Bureau of Statistics will organize an anniversary event at the Republican Palace, involving local partners: public authorities, academia, business environment, NGOs, etc, and international partners, i.e. representatives of the international organizations accredited in Moldova. During the event, several welcome messages will be transfered to the participants, awards granted to the best statisticians, a concert will be organized on the occassion of the first celebration of this professional day.

On this occasion, the Government of the Republic of Moldova approved on October 6, 2010, a Decision for proclaiming the Statistician’s Day on October 20, this being the first time that this professional event is taking place in Moldova.

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Contact person:

Ala Pâslariuc,
Chief, Dissemination and PR Department
Tel: 40 30 51


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