Activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in 2013/14 school year

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, during the academic year 2013/14, the network of institutions of professional education covered 67 institutions of secondary vocational education, including 2 vocational lyceums, 44 vocational schools and 21 schools of trades (of which 6 units nearby penitentiary institutions).

Activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in 2013/14 school year

Pupils in the secondary vocational education.  During the academic year 2013/14, the network of institutions of professional education covered 67 institutions of secondary vocational education, including 2 vocational lyceums, 44 vocational schools and 21 schools of trades (of which 6 units nearby penitentiary institutions).

Pupils in the secondary specialised education. During the academic year 2013/14, secondary spoecialised education was organised in 45 colleges, including 41 public and 4 non-public colleges (with 2 units less compared with the academic year 2012/13).

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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