Earnings, labor costs and number of employees in 2022


National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the annual survey "Wage Earnings and Labour Cost in 2022" the average gross nominal monthly earnings of an employee amounted 10447,3 lei, increasing with 16,3% (or 1467,5 lei) compared to 2021.

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the annual survey "Wage Earnings and Labour Cost in 2022":

  • the average gross nominal monthly earnings of an employee amounted 10447,3 lei, increasing with 16,3% (or 1467,5 lei) compared to 2021
  • the average net nominal monthly earnings were 8899,6 lei, by 16,6%  (or 1264,8 lei) more than in 2021
  • the average monthly labour cost was 13085,1 lei per employee, by 16,3%  (or 1832,3 lei) more than in 2021
  • the number of employees at the end of 2022 amounted 729,6 thousand persons, by 1,3% (or 9,9 thousand persons) less than at the end of 2021
  • the average number of employees amounted to 623.6 thousand persons, increasing by 0,2% compared to 2021
  • the end of 2022 there were 29,8 thousand of job vacancies, which is 3,9% of all jobs.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.


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