Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2010 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 6028,9 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-March 2009 constituted 104,9%, in comparable prices. In March 2010 in comparison with March 2009 this index constituited 105,6%.

Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2010 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 6028,9 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-March 2009 constituted 104,9%, in comparable prices. In March 2010 in comparison with March 2009 this index constituited 105,6%.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language


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