Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment in the IV-th quarter 2010

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the IV-th quarter 2010 the economically active population (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1153,3 thousand persons, less with 42,2 thou. persons compared to the IV-th quarter 2009.

 Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment in the IV-th quarter 2010

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the IV-th quarter 2010 the economically active population  (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1153,3 thousand persons, less with 42,2 thou. persons compared to the IV-th quarter 2009.

Disparities in the number of active persons between women (49,9%) and men (50,1%) have not been registered, the number being almost equal.

Employed persons constituted 1067,3 thou. persons, with 54,3 thou. persons less than in the IV-th quarter 2009.

Number of unemployed persons, estimated according to the International Labour Office was more than 86 thou., almost unchaтged compared to the III-rd quarter 2009 and with 12,1 thou. more than in the IV-th quarter 2010.

More  information available in Romanian language. 


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