National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2023 the number of tourists and excursionists participating in tourism organized by travel agencies and tour operators increased by 5.6% compared to 2022 and constituted 503.7 thousand persons, of which: inbound tourism (foreign citizens visiting Moldova) registered 43.6 thousand people (+50.3% compared to 2022); outbound tourism (Moldovan residents travelling abroad) - 362.4 thousand persons (+11.7%); domestic tourism (Moldovan residents travelling inside Moldova) - 97.7 thousand persons (-21.0%).
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2023 the number of tourists and excursionists participating in tourism organized by travel agencies and tour operators increased by 5.6% compared to 2022 and constituted 503.7 thousand persons, of which:
inbound tourism (foreign citizens visiting Moldova) registered 43.6 thousand people (+50.3% compared to 2022);
outbound tourism (Moldovan residents travelling abroad)- 362.4 thousand persons (+11.7%);
domestic tourism (Moldovan residents travelling inside Moldova) - 97.7 thousand persons (-21.0%).
More detailed information available in Romanian language.