
The main purpose of living standards statistics is to determine the main characteristics of the people’s level of live through the prism of income, expenditures, consumption, living conditions and others indicators. The data source is Household Budget Survey (HBS) - continuous survey on households, with the annual dissemination of the results. Information collected in this survey allows identification of the disadvantaged households/persons categories and analysis of the impact of different programs and policies on the socio-economic situation of the population. Last revision of the HBS methodology took place in 2019.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
02.09.202414:00PublicationsAspects of the standard of living of population (Romanian and English) 2023BNS
16.09.202414:00StatbankLiving subsistence Semester I 2024BNS
28.11.202414:00PublicationsAnalytical report "Analysis of monetary poverty and wellbeing of households with children" (Romanian) 2023BNS
13.12.202414:00PublicationsAnalytical report "Analysis of monetary poverty and wellbeing of households with children" (English) 2023BNS
