Accommodation of tourists in establishments of collective touristic reception in 2024

The National Bureau of Statistics reports that in 2024, collective tourist accommodation structures were visited by 474.2 thousand tourists (21.1% more than in 2023), including 220.2 thousand residents (46.4% of the total) and 254.0 thousand foreign tourists (53.6%).

Increases in tourist accommodation were recorded in hotels and motels (+34.7%), tourist and agrotourist pensions (+11.7%), health-care structures (+5.0%) and children summer camps (+18.1%). At the same time, the number of tourists accommodated in hostels for visitors and recreation structures decreased by 11.6% and, respectively, by 2.1%.

More significant shares in the total number of foreign tourists accommodated in tourist reception facilities belonged to citizens of: Ukraine (38.1% of the total), Romania (20.1%), the USA (6.3%), Israel (3.1%), Turkey (2.8%), Germany (2.7%), Italy and Great Britain (2.2% each), the Russian Federation (1.9%), Poland (1.5%).

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.

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