Changes in the activity of NBS regarding the State of Emergency declared throughout the Republic of Moldova

Changes in the activity of NBS
due to the State of Emergency declared throughout the Republic of Moldova
Taking into account the state of emergency throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova, in order to ensure the security and health of NBS employees and respondents, as well as for preventing the spread of the new Coronavirus COVID-19, NBS informs that starting with the March, 16, the activities of the institution have been adjusted as follows.
Organization of activity within the Central Office of NBS
During the State of Emergency period, the NBS activates remotely, from 8:00 to 17:00, and offers answers to citizens by phone or by e-mail.
Any questions or requests can be addressed:
- at phone number +373 67770055,
- sent by e-mail
- or via the online form.
Organization of activity within the territorial offices of statistics and the deadlines for submission the statistical forms by the economic entities
The Regional Centres of Statistics and their territorial subdivisions will work with a reduced number of staff. They will undertake measures of protection in order to ensure the safety and health of employees and of respondents. The access to territorial offices will be limited, avoiding crowds and respecting the distance of at least 1 m between persons.
We recommend that respondents use of the e-reporting platform for the statistical questionnaires available online, see the list here. The questionnaires which are not included in the platform can be sent by e-mail, fax or telephone.
The contact details of regional statistical offices and of territorial subdivisions:
The NBS is aware that, under the current circumstances, the activity of some enterprises will be disrupted, and for some respondents it would be a problem to provide data within the pre-set deadlines. For such cases, the enterprises are requested to inform (in written form, by e-mail or by phone) the NBS staff about the impossibility of meeting the respective deadlines and to provide the extended date of questionnaires’ submission which should be agreed with the NBS.
NBS extends the deadline of submission for the following annual questionnaires:
Name of the questionnaire | Initially deadline | Extended deadline |
1-BE " Energy Balance” | 31st of March 2020 | 17th of April 2020 |
2-INV "On investments" (annual) | 1st of April 2020 | 30th of April 2020 |
1-CC " Construction activity" | 1st of April 2020 | 17th of April 2020 |
1-inf " Situation on computerisation and Internet connection" | 31st of March 2020 | 17th of April 2020 |
M3 " Salary wages and cost of labor force" | 31st of March 2020 | 30th of April 2020 |
M3 ANNEX" Salary wages and cost of labor force" | 31st of March 2020 | 30th of April 2020 |
We also inform that in accordance with paragraph 26 (6) of the same Decision, for 2019 the financial statements of medium and large entities and the consolidated financial statements of groups are NOT subject to mandatory audit.
- Labour Force Survey
- Household Budget Survey
Instead, the interviewers will contact the households and will collect the necessary data via the phone.
The NBS respectfully requests the households members to answer the calls and requests of the interviewing staff to contact them, and to provide support in data collection. For any questions related to the mentioned statistical surveys the households can contact the Regional Centres for Statistics.
Dissemination of data on the official website
NBS aims at maintaining the production of statistical data and its dissemination on the official website and StatBank, in compliance with the Dissemination calendar, in order to satisfy the informational needs of data users. The measures described above support the further running of processes of collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data even in crisis situations.
Nevertheless, the NBS acknowledges that the circumstances created in the country, the limitations in the data collection from enterprises, establishments or households, but also in processing of data provided by other institutions of the public administration (administrative data sources), will have an impact on the volume and contents of collected data, as well as on the timeliness of processing and disseminating the statistical indicators. In this respect, any deviation from the dissemination calendar or change in the way of presentation of data will be announced in advance on the official website of the NBS.
Communication with mass media
Mass media representatives can address data requests to the person:
Responsible for mass-media communication
Depending on the evolution of the situation, the NBS will come with updates and additional information regarding its activity.
NBS expresses its regret over any inconveniences created and wishes of health to all respondents, data providers and data users!
All the measures described above are taken to protect the health of employees of the statistical subdivisions and of the respondents, and also to facilitate the continuity of the process of statistics collection in the exceptional situation in the country. NBS counts on the support and participation of respondents to ensure the qualitative and timely production of statistical data!
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