Criminality in the Republic of Moldova, edition 2010

Statistical publication “Crime in the Republic of Moldova” summarizes the main indicators characterizing the performance of law enforcement system in Moldova during the years 2000-2008. This edition is the first thematic publication developed by the National Bureau of Statistics with participation of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Institutions, the General Prosecution and other executive bodies.
The publication is divided into 16 chapters and there is a separate chapter which contains data on regional and international statistics. The following information are included in the publication: number of recorded crimes, revealed persons who committed crimes, victims of criminal attacks, the number of convicted persons, including persons detained in prisons and other information that reflects the criminal situation, law and order in country.
Separately is presented information on juvenile justice, crimes related to trafficking and abuse of drugs and alcohol, the dynamics of economic crimes. The chapter on the work of the prosecutor and the justice system contains information on criminal investigations, the number of violations of laws and deliberations criminal courts, civil and administrative cases.
Data are presented separately by sex and age group, based on availability of this information in the administrative sources of bodies involved in production of statistical data on crime.
Romanian, Russian and English versions
Format A4, 140 pages
Price: EUR 30
Electronic versions
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