Earnings, labor costs and number of employees in 2019

Earnings, labor costs and number of employees in 2019
According to the results of the annual statistical survey "Earnings and labor force cost in 2019":
- The average nominal gross monthly earning of an employee counted 7233,7 lei, increasing by 15,4% (or 965,7 lei) compared to 2018.
- The average nominal net monthly earning was 6010,1 lei, by 16,9% (or 868,2 lei) more than in 2018.
- The average monthly labor cost was 8852,8 lei per employee, by 12,9% (or 1011,1 lei) more than in 2018.
- The number of employees as of December 31, 2019 was 742,1 thousand persons, by 0,4% (or 2,7 thousand persons) more than in December 31, 2018.
The average number of employees was 625,2 thousand persons, by 2% (or 12,2 thousand persons) more than in 2018.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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