
Education statistics refer to formal education, the data come from statistical surveys conducted annually by institutions authorized, according to the Education Code, to organize and conduct formal education programs in the country and provide the necessary information to describe the operation and performance level of the system educational. The results of statistical research allow the analysis of the evolution in the field of education in space and time. Statistical data are intended for those who monitor and evaluate the educational situation, as well as for those who develop evidence-based policies.

The statistics regarding the research-development activity is obtained through exhaustive annual statistical surveys, completed by all the types of units that carry out mainly or secondary research-development activity. The statistical data produced are necessary for the development of the knowledge-based economy. The information is intended for domestic beneficiaries and is internationally comparable.
Annual data are published.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
11.03.202514:00StatbankPostsecondary vocational education 2024BNS
11.03.202514:00StatbankSecondary vocational education 2024BNS
10.04.202514:00News releasesPreschool education 2024BNS
23.04.202514:00News releasesDoctorate and post-doctorate activity 2024BNS
30.04.202514:00News releasesResearch-development works 2024BNS
23.05.202514:00StatbankPrimary and general secondary education 2024BNS
23.05.202514:00StatbankEarly education 2024BNS
28.05.202514:00StatbankDoctoral studies 2024BNS
15.07.202514:00PublicationsEducation in the Republic of Moldova (Romanian and English) Academic year 2024/25BNS
24.07.202514:00StatbankEducation, main indicators 2024BNS
11.12.202510:00News releasesActivity of technical vocational institutions At the beginning of the 2025/26 academic yearBNS
19.12.202514:00News releasesThe activity of higher education institutions At the beginning of the 2025/26 academic yearBNS
23.12.202514:00News releasesActivity of the primary and general secondary education institutions At the beginning of the 2025/26 academic yearBNS
