General Agricultural Census 2011
Thematic Study on Vineyards in the Republic of Moldova
Given the importance of viticulture for the Moldovan economy and for meeting user requirements, this publication provides a detailed overview – at both national and territorial level – of the results of RGA 2011 with regard to the total number of holdings operating areas under vines, related vineyard areas, – their location, distribution and structure of varieties, and the average size of vineyard plantations. Information is presented at national and territorial level, both on total holdings and according to their legal status (agricultural holdings with juridical status and agricultural holdings without juridical status).
Along with the structural characteristics of the vine sector, the study presents the main aspects related to the importance and evolution of the vine and wine sector in the Republic of Moldova.
Electronic version
Thematic Study on the endowment of agricultural holdings with agricultural buildings, technical means and equipment in the Republic of Moldova
The General Agricultural Census conducted in 2011 (GAC 2011) provides detailed information on the technical endowment of agricultural holdings, necessary both for the substantiation of the strategy for the modernization and development of agricultural holdings, and for a wide range of users from different fields of research or of public interest.
This paper presents the main results regarding the technical endowment of agriculture both per total agricultural holdings and by the legal status of holdings; i.e. agricultural holdings with legal status and agricultural holdings without legal status, at national level and across regions.
Electronic version
Volume 2 "General Agricultural Census 2011 – General results at territorial level"
The publication, addressed to all kinds of users, refers to the distribution at territorial level of the information obtained from the exhaustive research of the agricultural holdings during the 2011 General Agricultural Census.
Data in tables are dedicated to a detailed description of the structural aspects of the farm, such as: number of agricultural holdings and their territorial distribution, distribution of agricultural area and utilized agricultural area at territorial level, distribution of livestock, farm buildings, technical means and equipment, labor and non-agricultural activities at territorial level.
Electronic version
Volume 1 "General Agricultural Census 2011 - final data at the national level"
The publication presents data in the form of the analytical tables, obtained after processing the General Agricultural Census data, for the first time carried out in the Republic of Moldova.
This publication contains information that provides a comprehensive picture on the units reviewed: Farms, exhaustively researched, and the Small agricultural units, researched at random, based on a representative sample. The data in the tables are dedicated to a detailed description of the structural aspects of the Farms and the Small agricultural units, treated separately, as to those two research modules followed within the data collection stage.
Price of book: EUR 25
Electronic version
"General Agricultural Census 2011 (GAC) – main results" pocketbook presents selected tables and graphs providing an overview on the main results of the GAC.
A short analytical text is introducing the reader into the main result indicators of the agricultural census, being presented and some comparisons with the results recorded in the European Union (EU) after carrying out the 2010 Farm Structure surveys.
Electronic version

Along the same objective this leaflet provides a basic gender analysis based on sex-disaggregated data collected by the first General Agricultural Census of the Republic of Moldova (carried out in 2011). It highlights main disparities between women and men engaged in agriculture in Moldova, particularly in terms of their access to assets, inputs and services.
Understanding specific challenges of female and male farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs and workers will enable gender-aware decisions about the sector, leading to more effective, efficient and sustainable solutions.
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