
The selling prices of agricultural products refer to the producer price, which is the market price, received by the agricultural producer when he sells his products. Starting from the statistical survey on agricultural prices, two different types of statistics are elaborated: prices in absolute value and price indices. The data are used to calculate gross agricultural production at current and comparable prices. Data are presented quarterly and annually.

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News releases





Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
05.05.202510:00News releasesEvolution of producer prices for agricultural products January-March 2025BNS
05.05.202510:00StatbankSale prices and price indices of agricultural products Quarter I 2025BNS
05.08.202514:00StatbankSale prices of agricultural products and price indices Quarter II 2025BNS
05.08.202514:00News releasesEvolution of producer prices for agricultural products January-June 2025BNS
05.11.202514:00StatbankSale prices and price indices of agricultural products Quarter III 2025BNS
05.11.202514:00News releasesEvolution of producer prices for agricultural products January-September 2025BNS